terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2018

If I am elected

If I am the new president I will end this litany that lives in everyone's mouth saying to the four winds I am retired because I paid. Paid enough no lazarento, in that country or any country in the world no son of a bitch paid to retire since all bills are paid by the consumer. If I am elected, I will oblige the companies to extend to their clients the same rights granted to their employees, for example, vacations, subscriptions, basic sixths, medical agreements, accident insurance, unemployment insurance, thirteenth, dentist, refresher courses, retirement, etc. In short, all rights granted by a company to its employees will have to extend to its customers, the company that does not comply with the laws established by me will suffer the penalties provided by the laws. So if you want to see changes of truth, see justice for all, vote for me changed of laziness, ignorant of the hells, bunch of dick in the ass. remember where there are two or three speaking in my name, here I am to put my mother-in-law on. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil.02 / 10/2018.

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