domingo, 28 de outubro de 2018

When it gets brighter, everything gets clearer.

Today I see clearly, and you? The left of any country in the world is communism planted sneakily by Rome, because in communism there is neither right nor center and the communism of Rome that governs. How it works; Rome plans a communist party in democratic countries, buys its faithful oranges to elect deputies who will oppose the Democrats. Rome pays politicians so that in schools and colleges the emphasis is on making heroes those who murdered thousands or millions of people to plant communism in their countries, this is called progressive brainwashing, the child grows up admiring communist assassins. That is why in the artistic world there are real suckers who support communism. In addition, schools and colleges emphasize the damned work of Carl Max which is the basis of socialism = communism. Carl = paint, paint with lime, Max = abbreviation of matrix = matris = mother, That's why in every city in the world there is a church in the square of matris = matrix. Yes Rome manages to corrupt politicians, teachers, judges, lawyers, businessmen, and other damn people. So any country in the world is in fact ruled by Rome the accursed serpent that corrupts everything and everyone. Now you can see clearly. Where there are two or three damn Communists speaking on my behalf, I'm here to get their asses. 10/28/2018.

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