sábado, 10 de maio de 2014

The violation of the laws of the bible means death

The wages of sin is death Romans 6: 23 but what is in fact sin. Sin is the violation of the laws of Moses or any law of the bible. When you break the law of his country receives a sentence which can be a simple fine, imprisonment, at some parents to death. The same happens when you violate a law of the bible, its worth goes from repeated colds, tuberculosis, cancer, violence at home and in the streets, slow death or subta. The god of satan law will fill you from pests and diseases to kill you achieve your goal Revelation 22: 18-19. Jesus said to a patient plagued to death, thy sins are forgiven, your violation of the biblical laws were extinguished, the man was healed immediately. The law actually kills the alien. josé vicente de souza, rua diva pelegrine fioravante 239 vila zacarias Sorocaba SP Brazil 05.10.2014.

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