sábado, 21 de maio de 2022

Brazilian photographs for the first time a city in the infinty of the long distances of the universe.

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. +5515998058141. A city unknownt everyone on earth has just been found. The city was located billions of km on the solar system,  ie pluto. lt remais to be seen whether the city is inhabited or abandoned, that is, a city in runs. However,  you can see what a highway meating looks like with many viaducts beyond the city Straits. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141. Look of pluto. 

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2022

To Love the earth is to love yourself, who loves takes care, who takes care lives better and longer.

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. +5515998058141. Every day more l need to see pluto, every day more he wins my heart. Every day l see more life on pluto, with that l learned that besides me a you there is life everywhere. Therefore,  it is not right to wish to live on another planet, because every planet is alwais the home of other rational and irrational beings, just like us on earth. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141. Look of pluto. 

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2022

Heavenly people, more and more, each day that passes, l fall more in love with pluto.

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. +5515998058141. We should not think that the earth is the only planet to heve the privilege of having being. We learn from childhood that all things that exist have a purpose, the purpose of stars and planets is to serve as dwellings for living beings, and fill the universe with infinite beauty. Thus it is clear that the life of plants, animals, and intelligent life began on each planet or star at the time when it thought it had the ability to sustain life upon itself. Look of pluto. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141.

terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2022

Theory is not palpable, it has no content that can be proved, but what the aye sees cannot Always be denied.

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. New world found on pluto.  l'm going to be straight when l say that pluto is inhabited by intelligent creatures. l haver the obligation to state what my eyes see, and it is not a matter of theories but of reality that anyane's eyes can see in the fotos l took of pluto. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141.

Weather fore cast

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Nowadays we all rely on the weather forecast for the following days. Based on there predictions we can mitigate or even avoid greater tragedies. Therefore, those who live in the south of Brazil must take steps to save their property and their lives. 

Windstorms can cause flooding in low places, destroy houses, bridges, etc. Seek protection in high places, don't stay on the coast during the storm, and even if it takes a while, l don't doubt the accuray,  the storm will come. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141. Sorocaba SP Brasil. 

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2022

Songs coins

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil, l want to sell my old coins. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141.

Pluto rings that remained unviable until afew days when l photograffed then

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. +5515998058141. A special series of photos of the planet Pluto, where we can see the rings that surrond it. Besids the rings, we can see the Pluto has a lot more to show for it. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998055181. O de boné sou eu, Plutão é aquele com anéis. 

domingo, 15 de maio de 2022

Fact yes, lie no

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. +5515998058141. Photographing a dak circle or a dark rim surrounded by what looks like red clouds is a fact. But to go further by making statements accompanied by computer animation to mislead the public is blatantly lying. The real fact is that supposed black hole is so far a picture of a dark ball surrounded by the color red, the rest is empty theories of evidence. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap. 998058141.

Very rare coin

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil. See this rare coin? Whoever makes the highets bid gests. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141. Essa moeda é rara mesmo e vale muito, vale a pena ter uma dessa. A moeda está nas fotos de baixo, esse de boné sou eu.

Bullet train seen on pluto

 My pix 04328742833 José Vicente de Souza. Sorocaba SP Brasil.  +5515998058141. There is no doubt that there is intelligent life on pluto, after seing there pictures, you will agree with me. See for yourself a bullet train circulating amid the ligthts of the building, you will not be able to deny what you see. Look of pluto. Make a pix for me and send the proof on my zap 998058141.the one in the cap is me