quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014

Death hidden in a code of a government et

All types of government has a penal code to maintain odem and governance. The devil said to be the ruler of this world, if this is true; what is the penal code of his government; Time is clear that a government that governs the world would have to have a penal code known worldwide. The old testament of the bible with the laws of Moses and the oldest penal code known worldwide; Was that the penal code of the government of Satan; Old flour mill stone used to grind corn, draw stone grinding wheel, grinding wheel Moses because Moses wrote the laws in stone, and who violated the law was stoned to death. Mill, MO, Moses, Death. Revelation 18: 21 josé vicente de souza, vila zacarias, rua diva pelegrine fioravante 239 Sorocaba SP Brazil 04/09/2014..

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