quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014

Sin equals the violations of laws of alien

What is sin; It is a violation of the law of him that stood as God over humans. More like Adam committed sin if there was no law about it; There was no settled law written that Adam could violate. More Adam erred in accepting the serpent quoting him what is right or wrong. What the serpent taught them was actually a code of laws of an alien government whose violation of any law is the death penalty. Adam accepted those laws, then the violated bringing upon himself the death penalty prescribed by law. Adam until today as every parent does, taught his sons these laws as being of God until Moses became the writing. The law brought sin and death for all. josé vicente de souza, rua diva pelegrine fioravante 239 vila zacarias Sorocaba SP Brazil 4.17.2014.

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