domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Man the likeness of Gold.

Let us make man NOCA likeness. But what kind of similarity? Similar, in addition to seed means equal, alike. If God has the name H is natural that their children also have it, this explains why the man with H. Then God has the appearance body of men actually are the copy of the letter H. The word do not apply in the minimum two or more. In entantanto, at that time there are two in one body. So God became Femia and using materials such as water and dust etc, made the H male whom he called man. God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life = spirit of God at that moment the man became a living soul. joseph vincent de souza, diva street pelegrene Fioravante 239, village Zechariah Sorocaba SP Brazil 30/112014.

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