domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Man the likeness of Gold.

In South Ameriaca, in Bolivia, there is an old town by the name of Tiahuanaco, where can be found many letters H. It seems that these letters contain much of human history. But the most important fact is the figure of a God recorded in a letter H. What does this mean? This tells us that the spirit of God is vajando in humanity since man was created. The history of Israel with the ark confirms this fact because the ark is but one letter H, Israel was used by God to tell the importance qua human mankind has for God. That is why God has protected human because God is in them and bud at any time. joseph vincent de souza, diva street Pelegrine Fioravante 239, village Zechariah Sorocaba SP Brazil, 30/11/2014.

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