segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

A book written inside and outside.

I was challenged to open a book written within and without revelation 5: 1-5. What book could be written within and without; what's in and who's out? Time, this book is the Bible. Inside, beyond the experiences of past lives, that serves as a way for all of us. There Wonderful advice that is uzados in sermon by all religious in the world. But in all these ways and advice, there are puzzles, made with the intention to find the one for whom the word of God was taken, the heir of God. Outside is the world's history, writing in the world in all the eye can, but are not recorded in books. Open the book is a priority for me in my spare time. joseph vincent de souza, diva street Pelegrine Fioravante 239, Sorocaba SP Brazil, 12/01/2014.

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