domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

atlantida the wonderful plateau south america.

Atlantis may have been in fact the city support God and his faithful angels They built as support for the newly created man. That's because Puma punku and Tiahuanaco is in the same plateau where there Atlantida. Alem said in puma punku is a portal, two letters H and a god in the middle; does that mean? hours the two letters H is two people, God among them can represent Jesus because priprio jesus said, where there are two or more talking in my name, there am. also ha in Cougar punku vestige of the giant Nephilim children of angels with humans, these giants were bad and probably cannibals Genesis 6: 1-7. It was these giants of the Atlantida defeat. José Vicente de souza, diva street Pelegrine Fioravante 239, Zachariah village, Sorocaba SP Brazil 12/28/2014.

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