terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

The sound emitted by a celestial proof that he alive.

So, life is energy and music; how so? Without energy and music time there can be no life. Because energy is life-sustaining, life is movement and vibration. but where does the music fits in all this; as demonstrate that music is important for life. Time to music makes us dance, jump, smile, cry, in order, as music moves our emotions. Because the music is vibration, for example, speech is the vibration of the vocal cords vibration that produces sound. Sound energy is transformed into sound, then sound is a form of energy. The fact of the heavenly bodies sound, is a adivertência a warning, as if to say, I AM A LIVING BEING. joseph vincent de souza, diva street Pelegrine Fioravante 239, village Zechariah Sorocaba SP Brazil 02/12/2014.

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