domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014

Following the creation, plants, insects, birds,, animals, man.

Admittedly, plant a garden, create insects to pollinate and fertilize your flowers, must have occupied thousands of years of God. Because it is not only a matter of planting or create an insect, involves waiting forward to seeing how each plant or insect will behave. This shows that plants and insects are here well before the dinosaurs. After having success with plants and insects and small birds, God created the animals, perhaps the largest animal was created dinosaurs, the large animals have spread throughout this planet, taking in their hooves and their manure seeds made this planet a so garden. Each group of animals went to live where adapted better. Finally God created man, showed him all animals for that name to them. jose vincent de souza, diva street Pelegrine Fioravante 239, village Zechariah Sorocaba SP Brazil 07/12/2014.

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