sexta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2014

Wormhole, biology.

In biology, which is wormhole? Time, the penis has an internal channel like a tuneo where the urine comes out. But this tuneo or channel serves also pass to output of seme or man's sperm. The woman has a hole to worm by name vargina. In a sexual relationship, the man puts his worm in the hole for my woman. So the two are busy rubbing and beating their bodies against each outo. Increases the temperature of both the man's sperm is busy, the penis inflates, the passage is released. The seme takes off sprinting, through the wormhole, want to reach the woman's egg, entering the egg is to achieve life. The wormhole takes the seme of man to woman. joseph vincent de souza,street diva Pelegrine Fioravante 239, Zechariah village, Sorocaba SP Brazil, 05/12/2012.

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