terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

The giants of south america.

Virtually everything we do as a group have a common goal. Of course, this is also applies the statues of Easter Island. For a small nation or community spend a lot of try, working hard in the construction of statues of stones? Because no effort charging them for colocalas standing in a extratégico place facing the sea? Because to make sure that its huge statues would be seen from afar by travelers of the sea? Perhaps a desperate attempt to mislead giants, giants do believe that it was an island of giants. What giants? Time the Nephilim children of humans with angels Genesis 6: 1-7. These giants have originated in South America but hunted throughout human land inhabited numbers 13: 33. José Vicente de Souza, street Diva Pelegrine Fioravante 239, village Zacarias Sorocaba SP Brasil, 30/12/2014.

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