domingo, 23 de setembro de 2018

Karl Marx question

How to solve the Karl Marx question? I have never come into contact with this work, nevertheless as a beautiful and prudent boy of those who learn from the experiences of others, I have solved this question, as well; I should no longer help you, do you know anyone who, after reading Karl Marx, did not become a brainwashing madman? Do you know anyone who, after reading Karl Marx, did not act as someone superior wanting to dictate and even impose rules on everyone around him? Do you know anyone who, after reading Karl Marx, can contain his impetus to become a leader and perhaps even a dictator? What you are; A sucker; an animal; perhaps a mentally handicapped person; Imbecile, just a search of before and after each person who went through the work of Karl Marx you will realize that each of these people after reading Karl Marx have become an opposing demon of all that is free and correct, for these damn people you can not have the freedom to be capitalist, for those damn you can only follow a dictatorship rule. I have no doubt that the left are largely gross ignorant and imbecile people precisely because of the cursed work of Karl Marx. You know why you're such an asshole; because you not only read Karl Marx, you have become Karl Marx. Certainly people like Hitle, Stalen, and other jerks that I do not know how to spell the names were actually infruenced by Karl Marx. I am like this, when I see a madman I ask what the dick was that he ate, so I stay away from the dung. Remember, wherever you are two or three speaking in my name, here I am to put the bastards in the ass. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil, 23/09/2018

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