sábado, 22 de setembro de 2018

The hidden danger in ignorance

For you who want to stay away from danger an advice I will give. My son, son of a bitch, do you want to live long and stay out of harm's way? So do not enter into a religious controversy, never say in a strange place or in another country, I belong to such a religion, do not aim to defend your religious convictions among strangers. Remember even Jesus who was never religious invented a religion for him just to be able to murder him. Religious really has the same personality as the demon who lives on him. Remember those fanatic desert-cutters; even though they were an army they went to defend their religious convictions and they were all dead. remember those Indians who were expelled from their own country for defending their religious beliefs? Today even in a democratic country like Brazil speak the truth soon you find one million religious bastards arming ties against you. For example, a million damn religious have invented a Jesus just to keep what is mine, have harmed me and disturbed me all the time. Son, son of a bitch, religion is devilish thing, religious disputes are more ordinary than political quarrels, stay away from that son of a bitch. As Jesus said, what makes you free is the truth, do not make efforts to belong to the twelve tribes of Indians, do not want to receive the same condemnation as they. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil, 09/22/2018.

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