quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018

Analyze the game with intelligence

Let us remember the following fact, at the end of Mr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, everything was going well, accounts were bearable, corruption was under control, violence was few, etc. As soon as the PT rose in power and grew dizzyingly it gained astonishing money and force in very little time. Then all got out of control, corruption, violence freaked out. Together they came, Robberies, burglaries, cattle robberies, farm machine robberies, farm invasions, landless wars against farmers, indigenous peoples' war claiming demarcation of lands, strikes for nothing, walled streets, tires and burned buses in the streets, Bandidos commanding crime from within prisons, faction wars inside prisons, all at the same time. Of course, everything was part of coordinated actions, because; because this type of lack of control causes the population to demand a more energetic attitude from the authorities, but the largest authorities were from the PT. Then inevitably comes the phrase, attending to the will of the people we communists currently in power we will rather destroy the bad guys, we will kill the bank robbers, the invaders of land, the Indians for disturbing the peace, the authorities who are unable to contain crime , so that only the petistas deputies and the military that supports us will be left, Now it is in the communists. We will do everything with the approval of our mother Rome. So son of a bitch, can you analyze the game with intelligence? Sorocaba SP Brazil, 10/24/2018.

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