terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2018

Secret political organization

How the secret political organization works in Brazil; Every organization has leaders, divisions, subordinates, etc. The PT has the leading leaders of this criminal organization most rely on the support of other leaderships that compose a cadre of corrupt criminals from all professional and business sectors. With a lot of cash, the PT gave gifts practically to all the politicians of all parties, so all were subordinated to the PT for receiving these gifts monthly. Among all the politicians nobody is able to pity the PT because everyone had fallen into a bond. Only two male goats fought the PT even knowing they would suffer the consequences, they are Roberto Jefferson and Cunha. All the others counted only part of the truth only to exchange for a more lenient punishment. But all of them, even Roberto Jefferson and Cunha, know much more than they revealed. This is because the secret organization is operating at full throttle. I am absolutely sure that all the leaders that align with the PT are part of this organization. So the alert is there, this organization is much bigger than everyone imagines. Only half truths appear because those who were involved by this damn organization fear for their lives and the lives of their relatives. PT is not a party is a criminal organization that has in its hands leaders of the most self-echelon of that country. Just to emphasize, the politicians in the chamber and at the congress were or are subordinated to the PT's dismantling because they had their ass busted with this criminal organization. During the PT government there was no democracy the PT gave the orders and the corrupted obeyed. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil. 09/10/2018

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