sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

Let's think a little, can you?

Surely everyone knows that the world of humans is divided between right and left, just as angels and demons are divided. What kinder side is willing to protect, to live in peace, to grant freedom and rights; Of course it's the right. The left is violent, willing to rise and remain in power at any cost, left is a liar, false, to hide the truth are willing to murder if it takes thousands of people. In the red countries the right is not allowed, the left does not accept to live with the opposition of the right. Already the right lives peacefully with the left. The difference of loyalty, friendship, openness, honesty, humility, solidarity, between right and left is very great. The left represents everything from bad and false, the left is certainly demons. For those who believe in the bible surely believe in what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24 where it is written that, (enemies of the kingdom of God will be placed on the left and will go to the eternal deception, but the friends of the kingdom will be placed right to live in the kingdom of God) So even the bible says that the left is yes of evil, you have doubts; asshole. Sorocaba SP Brazil, 19/10/2018

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