domingo, 7 de outubro de 2018

Dangerous disease is cancer

It is common knowledge that cancer is a dangerous disease that causes pain and suffering in some cases to the point of death. Despite the advances of the medical sciences today, thousands of people die of cancer. Diagnosing and treating the patient with the right remedy is almost certain of cure or prolongation of life. In the eighties, Brazil had malignant cancer, a deadly bacterium known as an infraction. This bacterium is transmitted by ordinary speculators and vagabonds. Some doctors tried to cure Brazil but were not successful because they could give the correct medicine to the patient. It was then that they summoned a young and fearless man able to push the right medicine through the patient's throat, the fearless man is Fernando Collor de Melo. Fernando Collor pushed a remedy so efficient in the throat of Brazil that millions of bacteria died at a time that did not die fled the country. A remedy so efficient that the next day there was no more cancer. Now healed Brazil had the opportunity to grow big and healthy, for many years Brazil grew to appear another cancer by name of corruption. Remember the most effective remedy sometimes makes the patient revolt, chemotherapy causes hair to fall and causes grief, an ignorant patient may turn to hate having to obey the doctor. Remember Brazil revolted against Mr. Fernando Collor, today we know that the rebels were just bacteria thieves and murderers, useless worms, but only today we know that. Therefore remedy that heals for truth is always bitter and difficult to take. Thanks to Mr. Fernando Collor de Melo for his service to the nation, his firm decision at the right time prevented Brazil from being what Venezuela is today. Collor, today we know that those who revolted against you were just a stick of wood in the ass thieves and murderers. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil. 07/10/2018.

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