terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2018

Details are just details

Details are just details when someone believes you are just a sucker. There is a presidential candidate who will not name him, but everyone knows he is a committed Communist. This candidate claims with his own attitude to be Communist for having suffered as his chief a brainwashed. His words give us the certainty that when he speaks in democracy speaks out mouth but in the heart brings something else, as well; In the commercial where he expresses his desires towards the Brazilians he says the following, Security, democracy, equality, books and pen in the hands. More as the words come out of his mouth appear a person removing two red books from the bookshelf, these two books are two editions of Carl Max, the idealist of communism, Carl Max inspired Hitler or Nazism and fascism. So this PT candidate certainly thinks that we are suckers to believe in his speech about democracy. The serpent is engaged in two fronts. Certainly infiltrated in the military there are the sympathizers of communism, which both sides will be the winner of the elections, will count on the aid of these lazarentos. Yes, I believe, that only mr. Bolsonaro remaining alive could block this common attempt to overthrow Brazilian democracy. 23/10/2018

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