quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018

Poverty violence and death behind ignorance

Using the light I travel a lot, in one of my trips I stopped in Para Bethlehem. There I was able to contact how the Brazilians of that region that borders on Venezuela were horrified by Maduro's government placed in power by Rome. The people of Pará received the Venezuelan refugees with open arms saying, "Friends, we are going to help our brothers because we know that communism planted in Venezuela promotes violence, unemployment, death hunger. It also takes away our freedom. I was very happy to note that the people of the Parish Bethlehem are a receptive people who care about the welfare of those who have fallen into the bond of communism promoted by Rome. But as the days went by, I could see how an ill-informed and serpent-led people might fall into the same bond as their unsuspecting brother fell. The fact is, a few days later, those jerks of Para dressed in red and went out in the streets in favor of the communism that Rome preaches, all Brazil can see on the day of Brazil's pucker how those jerks dressed red in favor of communism. Imbecile people, if communism comes to power you will leave Brazil, fleeing from the violence of poverty and hunger, damn ignorant of the hells. Sorocaba SP Brazil, 10/18/2018.

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