quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

The King of Cattle

Now that we take the slap eyes we are certainly seeing the world as the world is indeed. Now we realize that divided into class, race, square = countries, teachings, religions, etc., by groups of angels and demons, we are obliged to follow the directives of kings = humans. These are men regarded by cattle as saints. It turns out that these holy men = horse of demons, are always surpassing the currencies of their countries and maintaining in international arias their dominion over cattle. This is unfair and against the law because it confuses voters in how to know which leader and which system of government is in fact the best for the cattle. As they are international leaders and there are several the dispute is great, each leader wants to show bigger and therefore dominates a larger number of cattle. These damn holy men sometimes take the cattle to death, but that's just the details, what matters is money and power to the cattle because they are irrational beasts that explode, to take in the ass, these sons of bitches. But now I'm here, to make it clear to the damned international holy men that in Brazil we will not accept the interference of these sons of bitches. They will touch cattle in the hells, damn them. Sorocaba SP Brazil, 17/10

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