quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2018

Communism the damned ministry of Rome

They say that communism is the government of the poor. Yes, poor of spirit, poor in knowledge, poor in tenderness, poor in love. In a communist government one has plenty, plenty of violence, plenty of ignorance. Yes in communism everything is lacking until understanding. The question is, do not pepper in the ass of others doe? I ask why no people of the world chose communism, all countries today communists was not for free choice of people but was an imposition, fell into a tie for supporting the wrong person or party, when they opened their eyes were already trapped in communism where you can not drop pum without risk of life. In communism the ruling party and its commander may be worse than the pope, yet everyone says out of mouth we love the general, but silently say damn general. See the size of ignorance, Rome as a cursed serpent treacherously leads communism to all parts of the world, yet Italy is not communist. So why do these bastards insist on turning Brazil into a communist country? PT is 13 the same number as the rooster Roma, Roma PT and some open TVs also form a damn secret organization. Rome and its communism is the accursed woman of red of revelation. Communism is the curse on Rome that as a snake network leads to the world. Rome is just a network of treacherous bishops and priests who stealthily push communism over all nations. They are going to preach communism in hell, bunch of bastards, murderers of the hells, the pope is just a murderer a demon disguised as people. 11/10/2018.

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