sábado, 20 de outubro de 2018

Larajas de Roma overthrows Brazilian monarchy

In 1889 Rome used the military traitorous oranges of the motherland to overthrow the Brazilian monarchy. As a reward, Rome gave power to the military oranges to declare the government of the military traitors of the Brazilian republic. The dictatorship of military oranges began on the day that the Brazilian monarchy fell, that is, in 1889. For a hundred years, Rome concealed that it ruled Brazil through military oranges traitors to the homeland. By 1965 people began to understand the coup against the monarchy and to understand that it was Rome who was on the military oranges. So they applied the call a seven a top of the Brazilian suckers, the military struck a blow on themselves saying that it was a matter of national security, so they managed to stay another 21 years in power. Damn military oranges of Rome. Oranges for money and power becomes a danger. We can see that the old Brazilian military were from the left, they were just damn oranges from Rome. In 1965 no country offered national security danger, at that time internal violence was zero. Sorocaba SP Brazil 10/20/2018

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