segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2018

Injustice that the authorities are keen not to see

In countries where communism is absolute the right is not allowed, there is no freedom of expression in communist countries, communist opponents of the regime are often murdered in public. But in democratic countries one lives very well with opponents of democracy. This is the trick of Rome and Germany, they plant a communist party in the democratic country, there they give support and advantages to this communist party giving that party the conditions to grow and assume power, once in power that party at a certain moment Communist party buys with money the support of the military generals thus becoming traitors of the motherland causing evasion of foreign exchange since in the same measure that it oppresses its own people sends the money to Rome and Germany. The service of the communist party in a democracy is to oppose the government by voting against everything that could work, so the democratic government can not make the economy grow and everyone starts to want the damn murderous communism. Damn those motherfuckers Communists. Sorocaba SP Brazil. 22/10

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