segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2018

Demagogy sometimes surprises us

Almost everyone knows what demagoguery, but in practice almost nobody knows, even the people considered the most prepared are sometimes caught demagogues looking like sucker. We in the press all over the world how many times have we been demagogues, glad that the world is full of suckers who never see us when we are demagogues. I will give an example, how many times facing life risk we visit communist countries to show how the press in communist countries are repressed with violence, we show how journalists are killed simply for criticizing communism or for showing the world the cruel crimes practiced by communists in their receptive countries, we show that in communism there is not even freedom to flee the country, thousands of people are killed simply trying to escape from communism. On the other hand the press of the whole world supports Communist parties in their countries, sometimes we are convincing of how the communist party is wonderful making a damn mass and ignorant to vote in these curses. THIS IS THE GREATEST DEMAGOGY THAT THE DANGEROUS PRESS OF THE WORLD ALL HAS. Sorocaba SP Brazil. 10/29/2018.

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