sábado, 6 de outubro de 2018

To the saviors of the motherland

To all those who have presented themselves as saviors of our beloved Brazil, especially to those who will be chosen or elected. Dearly beloved, this is a wonderful opportunity to show love and loyalty to our homeland, our homeland is our home so being a house full of children of the motherland. We the children of our country chose democracy because we like to be free and as an orderly people we like to choose those who will take the lead in solving our problems and providing a fair and equal income distribution for all. We trust and place our hopes on those we choose. Always believing that we will not be betrayed because surely the chosen ones also desire the same things as their represented. But the elect must keep in mind that in a democracy the people choose their representatives, but we also take power from those who prove useless. Remember what Jesus said to Pilate (it would have no power if it were not given to you from above) it is clear that the powers of the heights gave the people the right to choose and even reject their representatives. So beloved, do earnestly the trust that we are putting in you. I wish your ministries to be honored and glorious for the good of our country, if this is so our trust will always be renewed and their names will never be forgotten. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil, 06/10/2018

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