quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2018

Unhealthy what is it?

Of course, in a world of ignorant people, nobody really knows what is unhealthy. I should no longer help you, ignorant of the hells. Unhealthy is a whole nation working without records in wallets so without any right and even so pay the registered minority costs being they almost all public employees with high salary. Unhealthy are you without any more right as consumer having to pay the salary and the rights of public officials that are no longer needed anymore can not be sent away like those of the bank of Brazil and other state and more than 17 thousand unions, the employees of the pension plan are thousands because if we do not have jobs. Unhealthy is having to listen to suckers say they will create twelve million records in wallets knowing that we are 100 million people making every kind of beak to survive, Unhealthy is listening to suckers talk like it will save a world of wallet records that has already been born bankrupt dead never sustained itself. The world of signed wallets has so far survived at the expense of the innocent poor who never had any right to consume sustained this cursed world. The candidate who does not present himself as savior of the motherland is not fit is just a sucker. The gang of open TV where there is only sucker that left with this conversation that there are no savior of the motherland, we are voting because then bunch of jerks. Unhealthy is having to listen to the suckers of the open TVs talk. The only savior of the fatherland was the Collor who seized the speculators' money and killed the offense that no one was able to kill. Brazil only had a president until today Collor de Melo. If you are not the savior of the motherland, you have applied because; damn you. José Vicente de Souza, Sorocaba SP Brazil. 10/4/2018

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